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Play for Communication

LOOPS is an intuitive, modular game designed to initiate and engage users in cooperative play with peers. Designed for children with autism in mind, LOOPS is a satisfying activity while alone, with a friend, or with a group. LOOPS supports solo, parallel, and group play activities

Jump to : Research, User Testing, Rapid Prototyping

Year : 2023

Autism Spectrum Disorder affects an estimated 1 in 36 children in the US

- Via CDC (2023)

kids ground context.jpeg
“If they can't learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn”
-Dr. O. Ivar Lovaas
There is a common misconception that Autism inhibits one’s abilities
Autism is simply a difference in the way that individual’s brain operates

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder, refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication

Children with autism can have trouble relating, communicating, and playing with their peers 

How might we engage children with ASD

in physical play with their peers

to improve social communication skills?

Importance of Play in Child Development

Whether it be group play, parallel play, or solo play, these different types of play promote equally important and necessary skills for children


Kids need the opportunity to engage in both play structures for well-rounded development. Finding the proper balance is key to maximize a child’s learning experiences


Problem-solving, Critical Thinking, and Language development


Outlet to express emotions, thoughts, and emotional regulation


Communication Skills, Teamwork, Cooperation, and Relationships


Motor Skills, Physical Fitness, Coordination, Balance, and Stamina

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Inspired by Tactility

and Familiar Forms

Design Parameters



Sensory Stimulating


User Testing

Children with Autism ages 5-7

Working with a professional children's behavioral therapist, I was able to put my prototypes quickly into the hands of my user

Observations :





10 Min of exploration with minimal therapist direction

Attraction to magnetic connections

Physical parameters of gates and openings difficult

Played on the ground

Interest in light up rope

Needs payoff for exploration to keep attention

Ground Activity

Children love to spread out and play on the ground, so the game must be equally suited for this large flat environment

Applying Insights

Final Prototyping

Using my observations & insights, I moved into building a working mockup with added details & off the shelf electronics repurposed from a light up jump rope.

Quick thoughts on form & design solutions during 3D modeling

LOOPS parts 3D printing

3D printed LOOPS hub with wood veneer wrap

Laying out and planning fiber optic passthrough in LOOPS gate

LOOPS magnetic end Internals and layout

LOOPS magnetic end

Deconstructing Light up Jump Rope for electronics, switch, and LEDs

Notes on LOOPS hub assembly and fitting electronics

Final Models 

Final Models

Getting Started

with LOOPS

1 - Start
  • Power On using Ring Selector

  • Turn Ring to select

2 - Select
  • Select Game Mode

  • Use Lights to guide you

  • Match the colored ends

3 - Explore
  • Connecting links changes the color

  • Passing through the gates changes color

  • Learn the patterns

4 - Play
  • Add Links and pass through Gates

  • Add Links from both sides of the Loop

  • Cooperate with others and create LOOPS!


Rigid Connections

Motor skills are often still developing. Creating rigid physical connections between peers can be frustrating. Having some flexibility is huge in preserving fun.

Magnetic Attraction

Instant understanding of magnetic connections, but lacking goal. Needs visbile signifiers and a payoff to encourage more connections and exploration.

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