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Braun Spin

Centrifugal Cooking System 
for Microgravity Environments

How might we bring a timeless brand such as Braun to the modern day? Focusing on the principles of design Dieter Rams emphasized, I tackle form, function, and innovation as he would to bring a product to a near future market, space.

*Student project not endorsed or paid for by Braun

Jump to : Rendering, Research, Ideation

Year : 2024


Lets cook a "Pizza."

Using shelf-stable ingredients and freshly grown vegetables

How does this thing actually work?

Exterior Side Blade

Attach. Organize. Mount.

The 3 iconic side blades are designed for universal attachment and organization of ingredients, tools, and utinsels. 

Tethered Control Unit

Rotational Dial with Touch Screen


Precise heating through PTC heating elements in Drum Cooking Vessel means no worry of overheating.

Spin Speed

Adjustable rotations per minute on Drum Cooking Vessel for different cooking methods and food masses

Programs & Timer

Meal specific programs with timers for adding, mixing, and other specific actions. Manual timer included 

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Ventilation & Filtration

Regulating messes. Regulating Temperature.

Interior perforated vents engage while cooking & mixing to keep contents and crumbs from leaving the main unit into the environment.

Locking Lid

Seal to keep the heat in. Simple Graphics to signify locked position. 

The tri handle atop the lid signifies a locked position when aligned with the sides as well as the small icons along the sides

So why Space?

The global space industry market size is forecasted to be over $750 Billion by 2028, and over $1 Trillion by 2034

The space industry is marked by trends such as increased commercial space exploration, the development of safter & more accessible spacecraft, and the adoption of reusable rocket technology.

Additionally, there is a notable shift towards a new space economy, with a growing interest in lunar exploration and notably, space tourism.


Where we've been & where we're heading

Space agencies and private entities are actively pursuing the development of new space stations and enhancing existing ones to support continued human presence and research in space.

With the renewed interest in lunar, Mars, and other long-term missions, NASA’s Human Research Program (HRP) is studying a standardized assessment of behavioral health for space station crew to predict performance for future exploration crews.


The International Space Station is often referred to as the single most expensive single thing ever built. However, being over 25 years old has taken its toll.


The interior can be described as cramped and noisy compared to typical living conditions on Earth. It is severely lacking in modern power and other systems.

It is planned to be decommissioned by 2031. 


China launched the first module of the Tiangong space station in 2021 and is primarily dedicated to scientific research, with over 1000 approved experiments by the China Manned Space Agency

Has modern amenities like refrigeration for fresh fruit and 32 varieties of vegetables, and a first-ever Microwave oven. Fitted with home automation functions, modern tablets/computers help organize the environment


The next chapter of human space exploration and development is being facilitated through private entities such as Sierra space, Axiom, & Blue Origin

Future visitors will have unparalleled commerce, research, and tourism opportunities.


Research lab access, featuring space-based robotics will promote research in cutting-edge medicine, space biology, and other emerging fields.

Living in space can be a Challenge.
To put it lightly.
Feelings of Isolation
Affects of Microgravity
Limited Resources
Lack of Physical Space
What can we do to combat these difficulties?
The power of a warm fresh meal is immeasurable

Scientists are researching the psychological and behavioral impacts of long-duration space missions on astronauts. But what happens when we start sending up more and more regular users?

We must address the problems of loneliness and isolation before we can safely trust these users to long missions aboard shuttles, stations, and possibly colonies.

“Growing, preparing, and eating good food makes you feel connected to home” 

-Astronaut Scott Kelly

Thrive, not just survive

Research areas include engaging in meaningful activities such as space gardening for behavioral health benefits, testing virtual reality for exercise motivation, and of course cooking a fresh meal.

Submariners experience similar isolation at sea for months on end. Food becomes not only a necessary part of the health of the crew, but it becomes a profoundly important psychological factor in their well-being

So what do the experts say?
I'm sure as hell not an astronaut.
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Interview Takeaways

Space Station smell can be overwhelming

Working out is limited: everyone has specific loss of density and muscle mass that needs to be factored in

Diet is extremely tailored to individual, and tracking of diet is very important

Sleeping can be difficult as breathing is limited due to the extra blood in head/sinuses

Astronauts are not going to only be engineers/scientists going forward. Technical and Problem solving skills will still be important for all users

Variety of new & old devices are constantly in need of being fixed/repaired

Liz De La Torre

Creative Technologist - JPL

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Masters thesis on Exploratory design methods and techniques in support of space mission concept development.

Anticipated analog astronaut in 2024 NASA HERA program, designed to inform Artemis Moon Program with behavioral and cultural testing on users

What, & how, are we cooking tonight?

From 3 Design Directions to 1

Using existing environmental limitations as a guide to physical design, I think about how to best leverage existing devices and technology in tandem with the new.

This device has to work with limited caloric intake restrictions on the individual while allowing them to create natural connections similar to the way cooking food allows here on Earth.

How can we take this information and apply it to our non-astronaut Users?
Our users, researchers, scientists, and engineers will need better-designed devices
or both ease of use and ease of stress in this environment
Users are often frustrated by lack of variety in food and daily life, as well as lack the freedom to choose
Users are constantly stressed physically in an unnatural way which leads to errors
Users are isolated and mental health is vital in this environment




How might we design a device that can cultivate a sense of home through familiarity, freedom to choose, and creativity.

  • AI-powered health tracking accessory

  • Connects with existing ingredients and onboard systems to track calories/needs

  • Creativity with ingredients in a safe way

  • Can be used in tandem with all on board systems including other cooking systems

Design Queues
Textures and Finishes
Use Existing Systems
  • SATED style centrifugal cooking drum

  • Modular cooking vessels

  • Interchangeable lids for size changes

  • Dedicated tools to share and engage with your peers in a social way

  • Familiar form factor reminds of home

Centrifugal Cooking 
Modular Vessels
Social/Creative Aspect
  • 3D printer for food

  • All in one device, but limited in scope

  • Uses shelf-stable ingredients to extrude food and cook in one machine

  • Messy cleanup with multiple ingredients

  • Technology is not quite there in 5-6 years

Cylindrical Form
Braun Color Pop
Design Details
Sketch, Solidworks, Repeat
Taking my above design parameters, I sketch, 3D model, sketch, and repeat until I have my final Braun Spin fully modeled in Solidworks and ready for rendering

Sleek Ruggedness

2D to 3D

Focus on creating a subtle beauty that is also functional as a rugged outdoor adventure device. Sharp defined lines subtly run through the body, and end with soft rubberized corners for shock absorption. 

Space Cooking

Final Design

Braun Spin is a centrifugal cooking system designed to be approachable and familiar to a variety of users. It allows one the creativity to mix, fold, and cook in a way similar to that of on earth.


Interview Takeaways

NASA's VEGGIE Module is still being used in part with Michael's work, and his PONDS project for growing food in Microgravity

Pieces of systems are shipped separately, the smallest and lightest are most effective

Devices have to have limited complex actions, and common interactions between the systems

Astronauts have limited free time, and they gravitate to working on the gardening most often

What enjoyment is derived from cooking and what are those connections to home that cooking inspires?

All of these devices are not the "end goal" and are all small steps towards learning more and pushing forward

Michael Wiggins

Product Designer II - Samsung Electronics

Worked with NASA on PONDS (Passive Orbital Nutrient Delivery System) while at Tupperware, to help grow plants on the ISS

Over 15 years experience as Industrial & Experience designer with companies such as LG, FILA, Electrolux, Contigo, Disney, & Google

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